Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thanksgiving in Xian

Again, for the holidays we ended up in Xian. This time the holiday was Thanksgiving. While in Xian we always end up shopping, usually in the Muslim Quarter. On our previous trip we had discovered "North Face" fleece jackets and were planning on buying them. This is where I stubbled upon this calculator which warranted a photo. "JUST FOR CHEAP PRICE"!! I couldn't resist taking a photo.

This is all three of us and the shop owner wearing the "North Face" jackets. We also bought fake Burberry scarfs to complete the "fake" outfit. Fake or not they are warm and what we needed.

Dinner a la Pizza Hut. We had heard mixed reviews about Pizza Hut but gave it a shot. It was very good but not worth the price in my opinion. I'd rather eat the 3 Big Mac's I could have gotten for what I paid.

Us being the outgoing, fabulous and crazy Foreigners that we are, we got invited to KTV by some "English speaking" Chinese people we met at our bar. This is what followed.

They had tamporines

This portion I like to call "the morning after!"

And so ended another holiday weekend in Xian.

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